Setting an Interactive Security Camera System

Gabriel Perez
4 min readSep 25, 2022


Using Cinemachine, we can create different camera events when needed!


The idea is to have the player enter a trigger that will allow the switching of multiple virtual machine cameras set in position around the environment with a touch of a button.

Camera Setup

I set four virtual cameras around the room, looking in all directions.

Stationary Camera 1
POV Camera
Blend Camera
Stationary Camera 2

With my cams in place, I need a way for the player to trigger and enable the ability to cycle the security cams.


I set a trigger collider in the middle of the room.

It will allow me to attach a script to the trigger collider so that it can detect the player.


I want to access all of my security cams by caching them to an array.

[SerializeField] private CinemachineVirtualCameraBase[] _cams;

I also want to increment the index of the array every time I press the button to cycle through the cameras. So I set an integer variable to keep track of the value.

private int index = 0;

I also want to add a boolean so that when the player enters the trigger, I can set the bool to true to enable the cycling of the cameras.

private bool _canCycleCams;

Since I want this trigger collider to detect the player, I want to use the OnTriggerEnter() method that Unity provides.

private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if (other.CompareTag(“Player”))
_canCycleCams = true;

If what I (the trigger collider) detected is the player, then set the bool to true. When true, the player can use the input system to cycle through the cameras.

Next, I want to set the current camera to a higher priority. It will allow any camera with the current index to have priority over the others. If the current index value is 1, the camera’s priority at index level 1 will be a higher value.

private void SetCurrentCamera()
if (_cams[index])
_cams[index].Priority = 100;

If we are on this camera, set the priority of the camera to 100. The magic number 100 can be anything. As long as it’s higher than the default priority value.

Next, I want to set back the priority of all cameras to 10. It will allow for the current camera to always be active when switching cameras.

private void SetLowPriority()
for (int i = 0; i < _cams.Length; i++)
if (_cams[i])
_cams[i].Priority = 10;

I want to loop through each camera and set its priority to 10.

Next, I want to press the y button to cycle through each camera in the Update method.

if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Y) && _canCycleCams)
if (index > _cams.Length — 1)
index = 1;

If I press the ‘Y’ button and I can cycle through the cameras, I want to increment the index. I also want to check if the index is greater than the total number of cameras. If so, I set the index to 1. It will switch my cameras back to the first. Index 0 is the default player camera.

I also want to set the lowest priority and the current camera methods to update the cameras.

Lastly, I want the default player camera to be active when the player leaves the trigger collider.

private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
_canCycleCams = false;
index = 0;

When the player exits the trigger, set the bool to false. If left to true, we can cycle through the cameras anywhere outside of the trigger.

I also set the index to 0, the default player camera. I call in the SetLowPriority() method to reset all the cameras. Then I call in the SetCurrrentCamera() method to update the camera back to the stored value in the index.


That is all for today! Thank you for your time.




Gabriel Perez

Hello everyone, My name is Gabriel Perez, I am a Unity Developer and a creator who is always learning and experimenting.